Nomination 1:
Luke works diligently for Regenstrief Institute. He demonstrates this throughout his workday, advancing the dissemination of information about the leading-edge work across our organization and, particularly, the research of our investigators. He takes on assignments with energy and focus, and is very receptive to improving his work, seeking input and different perspectives. He is a problem solver, often presenting ideas to improve a process or system, or taking the initiative to formulate a process, then seeking input to make it better.
Nomination 2:
Communication within organizations and among its team is extremely important. At Regenstrief we rely on the Intranet as a platform to keep us informed and to provide a central location for internal resources such as policies, forms, etc. One of the resources that provide immense information is Weekly Announcements, published every Monday, by Luke. Luke is a strong communicator who pulls the most important information together for the week and posts it to help all of us stay informed and updated.