January 7, 2021

Albert Deng

Albert Deng

The role of a Finance team occurs mostly behind the scenes at most organizations, so it should come as no surprise that Albert Deng is consistently leading by example and working hard to ensure payroll, accounts receivable, and other aspects of the company’s financial management flow seamlessly. An interaction I had with Albert speaks to above and beyond levels of teamwork and a desire to lead by deeds and transform words into actions that qualify him to receive one of the inaugural One Regenstrief Awards and bring his exceptional nature from behind the scenes to the forefront of recognition.

Payroll is split between Albert Deng & myself (Adam DeJute). We each lead one payroll with the other reviewing each month, with Albert being the overall process leader/SME. I had become overburdened with projects and commitments. I emailed Albert explaining that I was behind and that I would be working through some of that weekend to get back on track and to expect the payroll to reach him for review a little later than usual. Albert immediately volunteered that he was comparatively light on work/commitments. He would be happy to lead this payroll, despite having just led the prior one, and have me perform the review if it would protect my weekend by shifting some work onto him. After some back and forth, I accepted this, and as always, Albert did an exceptional job, and we were both able to have full weekends without sacrificing any of our commitments.

In short, in addition to being one of the most credentialed young professionals at the Regenstrief Institute. Albert is willing to take on additional projects with no prompting, and I know he is a team member who consistently values teamwork and leads by deeds and positive examples, one of which is highlighted above. I strongly recommend him for one of the inaugural One Regenstrief Awards and hope the rest of the Regenstrief Family will join me in recognizing him. Thank you.