May 7, 2019

Regenstrief Faculty Discuss Communication and Advocating for Patients at Internal Medicine National Conference

Graphic header from the SGIM Annual Meeting 2019 website

Regenstrief Institute research scientists are presenting some of the institute’s latest research on patient engagement and advocacy at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., May 8-11.

The meeting covers the breadth and depth of general internal medicine. This year’s theme is Courage to Lead: Equity, Engagement, and Advocacy in Turbulent Times. The conference gives Regenstrief researchers the opportunity to discuss how to advance health equity with other top researchers from around the country.

Joy L. Lee, PhD, is leading a workshop on doctors’ use of electronic communication to correspond with patients. Marianne S. Matthias, PhD, and Michael Weiner, M.D., MPH, are also participating in the workshop. In addition, Dr. Lee is presenting two posters on her research involving patient portals and secure messaging between patients and doctors.

Jennifer L. Carnahan, M.D., is participating in a panel discussion on advocating for patients while navigating ethical and moral dilemmas.

Matt Bair, M.D., is presenting on the Care Management for the Effective Use of Opioids (CAMEO) trial, which looked at the effectiveness of pharmacological vs. behavioral approaches for treating chronic lower back pain.

David Haggstrom, M.D., is the veterans affairs liaisons chair for the annual meeting program committee. In this role, Dr. Haggstrom helped to facilitate the hosting of five peer-reviewed Veterans Affairs Special Series workshops on topics including social and behavioral determinants of health, interprofessional teamwork, trainees as change agents and opioid use disorder treatment in primary care. He is also participating in an effort to develop a new VA partnered research program curriculum for SGIM researchers interested in this type of research within learning healthcare systems. In addition, he helped to initiate planning activities on behalf of the new SGIM-VA Innovation and Implementation Interest Group.

According to the SGIM website, the Society of General Internal Medicine is a national medical society of 3,000 physicians who are the primary internal medicine faculty of every medical school and major teaching hospital in the U.S. Members teach students, residents and fellows how to care for adult patients in addition to conducting research that improves primary care, preventive measures and treatment services for patients.

The following Regenstrief Institute research scientists have served as SGIM presidents: Kurt Kroenke, M.D. (2001-2002) and William Tierney, M.D. (1996-1997).

Panels and Workshops

Can You Read Me Now? Effective Electronic Communication with Patients in Primary Care

Joy L. Lee, PhD, M.S.; Marianne S. Matthias, PhD; Michael Weiner, M.D., MPH.

Presenter: Joy L. Lee, PhD, M.S.: PhD from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, M.S. from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, B.A. from Bowdoin College.

How to Advocate for Your Patient While Navigating Ethical and Moral Dilemmas

Panelist: Jennifer L. Carnahan, M.D., MPH: M.D., M.A. and MPH from University of Virginia, B.A. from New College of Florida.

Scientific Abstract Oral Presentations

Care Management for the Effective Use of Opioids (CAMEO): A Randomized Trial

Matt Bair, M.D., M.S.; Kurt Kroenke, M.D. MACP; Teresa M. Damush, PhD.

Presenter: Matt Bair, M.D., M.S.: M.D. from Medical College of Wisconsin, M.S. from Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, B.S. from St. Mary’s College of California.

Veteran Perspectives on Cancer Care Coordination

Will L. Tarver, DrPH, MLIS; Edward J. Miech, EdD; David A. Haggstrom, M.D., MAS.

Presenter: Will L. Tarver, DrPH, MLIS (Dept. of Veterans Affairs HSR&D Fellow).

Poster Presentations

Too Many Don’ts and Not Enough Dos: A Survey of Hospital Portal Information for Patients

Joy L. Lee, PhD, M.S.; Marianne S. Matthias, PhD; Michael Weiner, M.D., MPH.

Presenter: Joy L. Lee, PhD, M.S.: PhD from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, M.S. from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, B.A. from Bowdoin College.

What is Misuse? Clinician Consensus on Secure Messaging with Patients

Joy L. Lee, Ph.D. M.S.; Marianne S. Matthias, PhD; Michael Weiner, M.D., MPH.

Presenter: Joy L. Lee, PhD, M.S.: PhD from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, M.S. from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, B.A. from Bowdoin College.

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